

Production and Copyright of the volumes

Size: 8 x 10 inches (25.4 centimeters x 20:32). Full colors.

Each volume is produced in PDF format.

After the assignment of ISBN and the Open Access publication of the new book, it will start spreading in libraries and specialized sites.

The copyright belongs to the publisher and the author.

The publisher retains the right to disseminate the printed volumes of the series, also through “print on demand”, mainly at

Requests for paper print in a high number of copies, as well as traditional distribution domestic or international, can be agreed after edition of PDF format.

Editorial standards, cover and layout are provided by the publisher. The production process includes two final proofs. The author must finally submit the manuscript “ready to print”.

Each volume will contain:

  • an introduction of 2.000 words minimum.
  • a short summary of the content of the book (140 words)
  • a summary on
  • the author (100 word)

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